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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9798710312797 B097CCX4SH
  • 172 pages
  • $9.99
Daphne Drake
Caught in the Crosshairs
Daphne Drake, author
Nate Walker lived in the shadows and spent his days hunting the enemy. He knew only darkness and loss. Then her name crossed his desk, and alarm bells went off. She wasn’t meant to be the target. Now he had to decide if he was going to turn his back on the agency he’d been so loyal to and risk prison. Or would he swoop in to save the woman he’d never even met? Daisy Evans spent her days teaching and her nights volunteering. So, when a tall, dark, and dangerous stranger came to her door with the notion that people were gunning for her, she couldn’t believe it. But as the bullets start flying, his evidence became more compelling, and she had no choice but to follow him. Together, they fight to stay one step ahead of the threat as their chemistry tries to take center stage. As they edge closer to answers, only more questions arise. Daisy must decide if Nate is the one pulling the strings or if he is the only thing standing between her and certain death.
Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9798710312797 B097CCX4SH
  • 172 pages
  • $9.99
