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Hardcover Book Details
  • 01/2016
  • 9781478763239
  • 194 pages
  • $27.95
Robert Perrin
Dying to Live
When India holds more than just history and culture… It perhaps holds the love of a father that one daughter is terribly missing. The love of a parent is a unique kind of love. It has nothing to do with success or acceptance. It has to do with care and support that is given without conditions. It is a love that is joyfully born, nourished through hardship, and reaffirmed every day and every hour. It is a love entwined with anticipation and fear. In the novel, Dying to Live, Caitlin Clarke was longing for such a love from her father. Caitlin Clarke's father had disappeared from her life, leaving a void. The explorer father of Caitlin vanished while on a mission in India. This was during the time of the Great Depression, where the world was suffering from economic and financial unrest. And although her case was not of economic nature, she seems to be suffering from a deeper depression than the Great Depression. She seemingly lived her days in hope that her father would come back to her. And because of her unfailing hope, when an offer for a last expedition to India, she didn't let it pass. She went with the team more for the purpose of finding her father rather than the mission. And there she found out that her father Donavan has unearthed a mystery during the expedition that is so intriguing it has the power to alter history. But for Caitlin, this could be the chance to regain her father and live the life she missed out on.
Hardcover Book Details
  • 01/2016
  • 9781478763239
  • 194 pages
  • $27.95
