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Paperback Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9781447870449
  • 397 pages
  • $68.99
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2023
  • B0BT6Y6N1D
  • 397 pages
  • $61.69
Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 396 pages
  • $24.95
Jonathan Nolan
Author, Illustrator, Contributor, Editor (anthology)

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Welcome to the FASERIPopedia Rules Cyclopedia! Here in one book are 388 pages of every possible rule, combat choice and option, recreating in retroclone form the 1980s classic superhero table top roleplaying game! This volume is the guide for gamemasters and handbook for players alike who want to play FASERIP superhero games - or any other kind of game setting using the brilliant FASERIP system! Hundreds of entries for Powers, Items, Vehicles, Weapons of all kinds and sizes, Animals, Creatures, NPCs and more! A complete but simple to use origin and background generator providing background rolls by age group from kid to venerable! A simple system for rolling up Powers! Make characters your way! Rules for playing villains or making the gamemaster run villains have a lot more detail and motivation! One book - the whole of FASERIP! This volume is released under the OGL 1.0a and its contents are Open Game Content

Barnes & Noble purchaser

This is the book - all in one for MSH RPG fans

MSH RPG is still around, aka FASERIP, but for decades it meant you had to collect illegal PDFs off of various sites then put them together to run a game. Faseripopedia is one big book, with a clone of the original rules; a real clone, not some butchered thing with other stuff stuck in. Then come all the options, and there are just so many here. You can create any kind of hero or villain from any kind of comic and also any other kind of character but all withing the FASERIP system that I love.
I also bought the Lost Empires sourcebook which brings to life a campaign I would never normally have even considered which is Tarzan type africa plus a Lost World. Very cool.

Faseripopedia itself is very easy to use because it has a huge contents section in the front listing every heading on every page.

There's also a lot of charts and random tables. I mean, a lot.

The final and in my opinion one of the absolute best bits of Faseripopedia is that it has page after page of weapons, vehicles and items and all kinds of living threats like a monster manual type section as well where usually the original MSH RPG and the weak recent efforts just give you the same small handful. That doesn't help anyone when they're trying to run a game, especially for a family activity for the afternoon.

This is definitely something very special for table top gamers and would be a really good gift idea. It's a BIG BOOK. This thing is big and heavy and it really feels like something. It makes you wanna grab the dice and go superheroing!


I don’t really do reviews but I felt this tome deserved some special praise. If you’re old like me you will have heard of Marvel’s FASERIP system. It was great back then and it’s still great to this day. Of course there are a few other books out there on the market that bring back the system for the modern (and retro game lover). But FASERIPopedia is a must if you like or would like to try this system. It clocks in at 396 pages. Therefore it's not only a complete system it is a complete tool-kit and unlike the previous Marvel game line you’ll have everything you could ever want or need in this book.

FASERIP has always been a very versatile and quick to use system, but with this cyclopean book you can literally do anything you want. It’s certainly not limited to the Superhero Genre. It can do it all with ease from Pulp to Sword and Sorcery and anything in between and at any power level.

Highly recomended! This is a five out of five stars for me. It’s everything I could ever want from FASERIP in one handy volume.

by Robert P.

[Verified Purchaser]Date Added: 02/05/2023 11:40:55


What a great book. The sheer volume of advice and samples is staggering - all delivered without adding complexity to the sleek FASERIP chassis we all love. That is an incredible feat I wish more games could accomplish! More importantly, page after page gets me excited about what I can run using this. Straight up supers, Greek mythology, fantasy - all the guidance and samples for these and more are here. Heck, there's even random character generation with a robust lifepath when one of my players needs inspiration.

The best way I can describe it is that using this makes me feel like the kid I was in the early eighties - playing the original FASERIP game, next to a stack of comics drawn by John Byrne, while a Harryhausen movie plays on the TV.

Bravo. This will be my "go to" game for as long as I can imagine. Bold statement, yes, but it's that good.

Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]

by Matt H. [Verified Purchaser]Date Added: 03/21/2023 22:55:37

Reader's Favorite

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite

The advent of video games has turned newer generations of children into gamers who have possibly never played tabletop games. But there is an undeniable appeal to tabletop roleplaying games that only people who have played can appreciate. ...Jonathan Nolan's FASERIPopedia aims to be a gamemasters' guidebook for the modern player playing a superhero or super-powered game. Following the guidelines, you can develop your characters with their abilities, create stories, define the rules for combat, outline a ranking system for heroes and villains, choose the amount of damage to be delivered, and much more.

Jonathan Nolan covers every aspect of tabletop roleplaying games using Open Game Content in this informational guidebook for gamemasters and players. FASERIPopedia is a gem of a guide for RPG lovers. Nolan's meticulous approach to the content means that even players new to RPG games can feel confident enough to start their games after going through it. Each part of the game is explored in detail with graphs and stats about characters' abilities, power levels, combat skills, etc. Experienced players will find everything they are looking for, but this is a book that people will find helpful even if they have never played RPG games; this is because Nolan's accessible writing style and structural organization make the content easy to grasp for everyone. All in all, a must-read for RPG gamers.

Paperback Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9781447870449
  • 397 pages
  • $68.99
Hardcover Details
  • 03/2023
  • B0BT6Y6N1D
  • 397 pages
  • $61.69
Ebook Details
  • 03/2023
  • 396 pages
  • $24.95
