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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9781958280003 B0B18YRHNK
  • 290 pages
  • $0.99
Paperback Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9781958280010
  • 288 pages
  • $13.99
Hardcover Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9781958280027
  • 256 pages
  • $18.99
Audio Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9781958280034
  • 290 pages
  • $19.95
V. M. Nelson
Hunted (The Dhampyr Series Book 1)
V. M. Nelson, author

Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Tasi, an eighteen-year-old, head-strong, blood-drinking, dhampyr, has been hidden away in a small town in Maine since the death of her parents. Though she had trained to fight and kill vampires, she never believed those skills would be useful in her mundane life. That’s where she’s wrong. In one moment, her life changes forever, and her aunt’s final words ring in her head. They want your blood. Now orphaned and charged with protecting her sister, Emily—a sister who doesn’t know what they are or that she’s about to endure a life-threatening change—Tasi has no other choice but to follow directions left for her. She is to find an ally who lives in New York City. This is the only way Tasi will figure out why she and Emily are being hunted before they end up drained of their blood.
Madeleine E. - Amazon

This was my first book by this author and I really, really enjoyed it.I love PNR books but, vampires have always been my favorite. The story line and characters were amazing and there was so much action and adventure in this book I'm looking forward to the next book.

Reader's Favorite

Hunted (The Dhampyr Series Book 1) by V.M. Nelson tells the tale of Tasi and her sister Emily who are the only Dhampyr alive with a direct connection from the originals. One of the original vampires was their father that loved a human woman who gave birth to two daughters, Tasi and Emily. The girls are on constant vigil because not only vampires want them dead, but also humans. As the girls escape from Maine in search of a friend of their mother, Tasi’s last comment from her aunt plays repeatedly in her head, “They want your blood!” Once the girls make it to New York and the safety of a coven, Tasi learns the awful truth from Sonya about why their blood is so precious, what the vamps and humans want it for, as well as learning more about her parents, the origins of their line, and why people want her and her sister dead. What is vital is for her to protect her sister because she is about to go through the first change. The girls eventually learn who they can trust and who wishes them dead. Will they survive? What will happen once Emily goes through her change? Tasi also learns what her fate will be, but that doesn’t matter when she has found the man of her dreams.

Wow! I loved this story! I could not put the book down once I got started. V.M. Nelson completely draws the reader into the story with incredible character development and storyline. As each new character is introduced, they are brought to life before your eyes. I felt the pain being inflicted upon Emily as her bones cracked and snapped while she experienced her first change. Even the terrifying wild vampires are easily visualized through outstanding character creation. The plot of Hunted is exceptional. The story flows well, has no flat spots, but is always exciting and on the move. Each person introduced plays an integral part in the story as it plays out for Tasi and Emily. I applaud the work of V.M. Nelson and Hunted (The Dhampyr Series Book 1). I am truly looking forward to reading more books from this author. Congratulations on writing a book that can be thoroughly devoured by its reader.

Sandy B. - Netgalley

This book was honestly amazing. I read it in one sitting. I fell in love with the strong female characters and I was swooning about the males. In the beginning you are eased in a world where vampires are hunting the main character. I honestly was quite scared that there would be to much information too fast, but this wasn’t the case. As you learn more the story picks up and it is a story you want to keep reading. It is fast paced and filled with humor, excitement and thrill. I would recommend this book to everybody! 

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC!

Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist in Two Categories

Hunted by Chaska, MN resident V. M. Nelson has been named by the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group as one of the best indie books of 2023. 

V. M. Nelson’s book is a finalist of the Paranormal and Best Cover Design category in the 2023 Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the world’s largest book awards program for independent publishers and self-published authors. The winners and finalists will be honored June 23 at a gala event at the Newberry Library in Chicago, IL, coinciding with the American Library Association Annual Conference.

Organizers of this year’s gala hope to livestream the awards presentation on Facebook, commencing at approximately 5:00 pm Central Time at of the 2021 and 2022 events have been viewed more than 100,000 times.

2023 is the 16th year of the largest international book awards program. This year’s Platinum Sponsor is FabJob, a leading publisher of dream career guides with over half a million satisfied customers over 6 continents. IAP Career College, which offers online certificate courses in more than 100 career fields including book editing and book publishing, returns as a Gold Sponsor of this year’s awards.

The Next Generation Indie Book Awards are judged by leaders of the indie book publishing industry, including many with long careers at major publishing houses. Their love of a great read and experience in the publishing arena identify books deserving a wider audience.

In an article at titled If it’s cool, creative, and different, it’s indie, journalist Catherine Andrews wrote: “The term ‘indie’ traditionally refers to independent art – music, film, literature or anything that fits under the broad banner of culture – created outside of the mainstream and without corporate financing.” That definition remains true for book publishing.

Independent book publishing companies are independent of the major conglomerates dominating the book publishing industry. Indies include small presses, larger independent publishers, university presses, e-book publishers, and self-published authors.

According to Catherine Goulet, Founder and Co-Chair of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, “Like other independent artists, many indie book publishers face challenges that the industry giants don't experience. The indies have to work much harder to get their best books into readers’ hands.”

“Authors and publishers who compete in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards are serious about promoting their books,” adds Goulet. “They aim to stand out from the crowd of millions of books in print.”

According to recent statistics collected by, the U.S. book industry made $29.33 billion in revenue in 2021. Over 4 million new books were published in 2022 alone, with 2.1 million of those being self published. Romance is the most popular genre of books sold in the U.S., achieving over 32 million print copies sold in 2022.

To help indie authors and publishers reach a wider audience, the top 80+ books in the 2023 Next Generation Indie Book Awards will be reviewed by New York literary agent Marilyn Allen of Allen Literary Agency (formerly the Allen O'Shea Literary Agency), or one of Ms. Allen’s co-agents, for possible representation in areas such as: distribution, foreign rights, film rights, and other rights.

Top books were named as winners and finalists in over 80 publishing categories ranging from Action/Adventure to Young Author.

A complete list of 2023 winners and finalists is available at the Next Generation Indie Book Awards website at

Where to Watch the 2023 Book Awards Event

We hope to livestream the awards presentation on Facebook commencing at approximately 5:00 pm Central Time on Friday, June 23. Visit

About the Literary Agent

Marilyn Allen has over 25 years of sales and marketing experience, including serving as Senior Vice President, Associate Publisher, and Director of Marketing for Harper Collins and directing sales and marketing teams for Simon & Schuster, Penguin Books and Avon Books.  Ms. Allen has worked with many best-selling authors including Stephen King, Ken Follett, Barbara Kingsolver, John Gray, Mary Higgins Clark, and many more.


The aim of the Independent Book Publishing Professionals Group is to promote professional standards in independent book publishing (also known as "indie" book publishing) and provide support and recognition for the independent book publishing profession.

2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards

Entries are now being accepted for the 2024 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. The awards are open to books released in 2022, 2023, or 2024 from independent authors and publishers worldwide. Visit the Next Generation Indie Book Awards website at for more information.

Next Generation Indie Film Awards

Next Generation Indie Book Awards is proudly affiliated with Next Generation Indie Film Awards – a not-for-profit awards program for film, devoted to supporting filmmakers around the globe by recognizing excellence in filmmaking. To learn more and enter a film in the 2024 awards, visit

Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9781958280003 B0B18YRHNK
  • 290 pages
  • $0.99
Paperback Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9781958280010
  • 288 pages
  • $13.99
Hardcover Details
  • 10/2022
  • 9781958280027
  • 256 pages
  • $18.99
Audio Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9781958280034
  • 290 pages
  • $19.95
