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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781684336807 B08X2223MR
  • 198 pages
  • $17.95
Brian Fitzpatrick
Mechcraft: Disruption
The long-anticipated sequel to Mechcraft. A sinister murderer is targeting Mechcrafters in the city, draining the silver nanotech life force from their blood and leaving only mutilated shells behind. As the body count rises and the hunt for the villain ramps up, terrible secrets within the Phalanx faction come to light, threatening everything Jake London and his team have fought for. Now Jake must choose to either quell his uniquely powerful abilities to put his peers at ease, or unleash his full potential to protect those he loves. Mechcraft is the telepathic capability to command a swarm of shape-shifting nanotech particles embedded in the Crafter’s DNA to form anything—from sparkling dragons to deadly weaponry. It can even mimic human form at its wielder’s command. This underground society has kept to itself, living in covert complexes hidden throughout major cities, until now. As the ancient otherworldly origins of the nanotech emerge, they threaten to bring the entire nation to its knees. As former Hunter faction devotees are de-programmed and assimilated into Phalanx, Jake’s nemesis, the diabolical cult leader, Sasha, advises him from her prison cell. Her siren call tempts him to revel in his fearsome singularity, ignore the advice of his parents and peers, and release the invincible power he was born to wield. In Mechcraft: Disruption, the sequel to science fiction thriller, Mechcraft, teenage friends Jake, Bex, and Trent add new members Neera and Artemis to their crew. Overcoming crippling PTSD, fighting vicious bullies, deepening romance, and brokering peace between factions leads the team to an unforgettable climax that only they are capable of overcoming. Will Jake’s abilities and character be strong enough to hold his faction together, reveal the killer and bring him to justice, and discover the secret in the dark basement of the facility?
Reader's Favorite

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Mechcraft: Disruption is a work of fiction in the science fiction, action, and adventure sub-genres, and was penned by author Brian Fitzpatrick as a sequel to the original Mechcraft novel. The newest installment is intended for mature young adult readers and upward, owing to the presence of some violent scenes, the use of explicit language throughout, and some mild scenes of a sexual nature. Jake London and his friends, some old and some new, are back to face their demons and take on a brand new threat as a mysterious, murderous presence targets and drains Mechcrafters of their lifeforce. As the mystery unfolds, Jake and his team realize that there’s far more lurking beneath the surface and a much higher risk to their futures than they once believed.

Author Brian Fitzpatrick has crafted a high-octane and rip-roaring ride of science fiction adventure and mystery, and one that is sure to provide plenty of thrills and spills for its fans. Readers old and new to the concept of the Mechcraft will find the interesting ideas and worldbuilding very easy to pick up from the earliest pages of this novel, and then we’re frontloaded into a fascinating serial killer mystery and an emotional drama for the young protagonists all at once. I enjoyed newcomers Artemis and Neera, who were beautifully flawed and realistic to relate to and fitted into the existing crew extremely well. I thought that although the book does contain mature content, it was sensitively dealt with and written in an accessible format. Overall, I would certainly recommend Mechcraft: Disruption to science fiction fans everywhere.

Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2021
  • 9781684336807 B08X2223MR
  • 198 pages
  • $17.95
