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T. M. Ely
T. M. Ely, author
A diverging Fictional reality, UE1: The Secret Revealed is a thrilling read on the infamous Roswell incident. Most people have heard of the famous crash sight at Roswell NM. What most people have not heard of was the first contact with aliens, bringing the science fiction world to the forefront. UE1 brings to light the UFO crash and gives a plausible explanation as to what took place. Follow the U. S. Government in the recovery of the UFO, the secret movement from Roswell to Groom Lake (Area 51), and the development of our military and space program. Along the way you will be introduced to Rogers a computer whiz, Starkes the man behind the UE1 project, Cosmo who becomes the chief test pilot not only for UE1 but the XY33 space fighter that will be part of the UE! Program. UE1 takes you from the initial crash at Roswell, the code red alpha project, to what will become our first true spaceship. As the timeline unfolds you will be taken back to the past, at the same time you will be seeing what takes place in the near present day. As most of the world speculates and has a belief in aliens, see what may or may not have taken place, you decide.
