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Diane L. Kowalyshyn
Catch .22

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

Sloan Picard, a Special Forces sniper on medical leave, treks to Boothbay Harbor, Maine, to bury his sister. Unease over her demise, prompts him to accept a pilot’s job with New England Air where Julia Connelly, the owner’s daughter and office manager, becomes his enigma and obsession. Sloan clears NEA of transporting illegal contraband into the States from South America. When the Cessna he’s piloting is sabotaged forcing him to make an emergency landing, the narrow escape confirms another suspicion. His sister’s death was no accident. Information on a USB drive, points a finger at NEA’s largest customer. Sloan and Julia fly the DC3 from Maine’s rugged coast to the jungles of Peru where they discover their client runs an illicit escort service—knowledge that turns these savvy hunters into the hunted.

Quarter Finalist

Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 10 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 10 out of 10
Overall: 9.25 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Catch .22 opens with a murder that sets the stage for gripping scenes to follow. Kowalyshyn presents a complex storyline, enhanced with several well-developed characters, that traverses multiple locations and settings. 

Prose: Kowalyshyn is a clear and concise writer, able to craft suspenseful scenes that will garner reader attention. Catch .22 is a promising thriller, although some contradictory plot points and structure could use fine-tuning.

Originality: The highlight of Catch .22 is the engaging plot and noteworthy characters, alongside a healthy dose of action that keeps the story moving.

Character Development/Execution: The two main players, Sloan and Julia, are well-defined and memorable, although lesser players, such as Renee—whose death is a catalyst for the novel's blistering action—hold their own. Kowalyshyn is clearly skilled at characterization, a strong point for the novel across the board.


Date Submitted: August 22, 2022

Catch .22 is a Finalist!

Catch .22 is a mystery/thriller finalist in the Canadian Book Club Awards. Winners will be announced in December.

